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Street Kids, Orphans and Vulnerable Children

We are dedicated to transforming the lives of street kids, orphans, and vulnerable children by providing them with a path away from the streets and towards a promising tomorrow. Our mission is to rehabilitate these children, empowering them to become valuable contributors to society. We offer essential support such as nutritious food, proper clothing, and access to education, addressing their immediate needs while also nurturing their long-term growth. Through our comprehensive approach, we aim to break the cycle of adversity and provide these children with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive as active and productive members of their communities.


Approach to rehabilitation

Our activities are multi-dimensional combining the efforts of our partners with the activities of our adjacent programmes. Our priority is the safety and security of these children in taking them off of the streets. We distribute food, clothes and other necessities to the children that need it most. We bring the community together to provide vulnerable children the support they need for their development. 



Scarcity of resources is our key limitation. The need for extra funds, food, clothing and baby and sanitation necessities is omni-present. Additionally, the programme requires a high number of staff and volunteers, human resources are spread thinly across our activities. 



Increasing the number of volunteers and donations, this programme will be able to enhance its scope and significantly improve the lives of more children than its current abilities. Collective efforts are vital to rehabilitating these children, increasing the number and engagement of our partnerships will prove highly effective in achieving our goals. 

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Supporting Global Goals

Contribution to sustainable development


No Poverty

Getting vulnerable children off the streets and into a safe and supportive environment is paramount to their development and wellbeing. Providing the foundation for a future with stability and prosperity.


Zero Hunger

Hunger and malnourishment is severely damaging to a child's growth and development. Providing nutritious food will aid children to be present in school and grow up into adulthood filled with choices and who are not limited by food insecurity.


Sustainable Cities and Communities

Improving livelihoods for young people is vital for the future of Masaka and the surrounding region. Bringing children into an environment of shelter and safety will reduce the likelihood of crime and strengthen relationships within the community.

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